Tom Wheatley
Piston Check

Due to a unique non-slam design, the Cameron TOM WHEATLEY piston check valve has provided years of uninterrupted service downstream from reciprocating pumps and compressors, and in other applications where conventional check valve designs would be subjected to excessive wear. The valve’s top-entry design allows for easy access and replacement of all valve internal parts with reduced downtime.
Standard Features
- Size range: 2″ through 12″ (50 mm through 300 mm)
- ANSI Classes:150 to 1500
- Full open/top mounted
- Controlled clapper movement
- Horizontal or vertical service
- Metal-to-metal seats
- Quick opening of piston
- RF or RTJ end connections
Optional Features
- Integral or removable seat
- Metal overlays
Body Construction
- Carbon steel body, cover, and trim